Material sobre los servicios de Delaware Relay

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Folleto de Delaware
Relay (en inglés)
Delaware CapTel Flyer
with Third Party Certificate
Instrucciones de Delaware
Relay (en inglés)

Comité consultivo de Delaware de TRS (need translation)

(as of October 2019)

On June 29, 2019, Delaware Governor John Carney signed House Bill No. 69. 

  • (150th General Assembly)

    • Delaware Code Title 16 – Public Utilities 

      • Chapter 1. Public Service Commission

        • Subchapter II – Jurisdiction and Power

          • § 221. Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Committee.

            • (b) The Telecommunications Relay Service Advisory Committee shall be composed of 11 members.

Junta Asesora de Delaware Relay

Connie McDowell
Senior Regulatory Policy Administrator

Delaware Public Service Commission

Angie Officer
Senior Program Manager

Sprint Accessibility

John Gilliams
E911 Systems Administrator


Sandra Miller
Acting Director

Division of Visually Impaired, Department of Human & Social Services

Delaware Department of Technology and Information

Karen Latimer
Assistive Technology Specialist

Delaware Assistive Technology Initiative, University of Delaware / Center for Disabilities Studies

Keith Roberson
Vice President

Delaware Association of the Deaf

Linda Heller

Hearing Loss Association of Delaware

Loretta Sarro
Public Information Officer

Delaware Office for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Eva Hartmann
Dean of Students

Delaware School for the Deaf

Christy Hennessey
Coordinator for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Services

Independent Resources, Inc. (private agency)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

La Ley de Estadounidenses con Discapacidades de 1990 ha tenido un impacto significativo en las personas sordas, con dificultades auditivas, sordociegas o con discapacidades del habla: les garantiza igualdad de acceso para hacer llamadas telefónicas. A continuación, encontrará enlaces relevantes sobre la disposición del Servicio de Retransmisión de Telecomunicaciones y los estrictos requisitos de confidencialidad a la hora de hacer o recibir llamadas de retransmisión o CapTel: